Results-Driven Career And Life Coaching

Blue shooting star with trailing stars on a black background.
Smiling woman wearing a black dress with white polka dots, standing in front of a colorful abstract background.

As a coach for both career and personal growth, I am fully committed to helping you succeed. I specialize in exploring career options and developing strategies for reaching your goals. If you're ready to take the first step toward a better, more satisfying career, or simply the best version of you, you're in the right place at the right time!

Achieve your goals with confidence and clarity.

woman getting promoted
Couple embracing and smiling near a textured wall

Change careers.

Woman standing in clothing store packaging items, with racks of clothes in the background.

Find the love of your life.

Start or grow that business.

Graduate in cap and gown facing a cityscape, raising hand in celebration.

Further your education.

Smiling woman in athletic wear holding measuring tape outdoors, blue sky background

Lose the weight.

See infinite possibilities.

My Story

As a young woman in my 20s and up to my mid-30s, I was shy and found it difficult to make connections that led to mentor relationships. As a result, I missed out on many opportunities for growth and development that mentorship and coaching provide. I wish I had known about the power and value of life and career coaching during that time because I believe it would have alleviated much of my stress and saved me a great deal of time and energy. This realization is what motivated me to become a career and life coach, to help others unlock their full potential and achieve their dreams without all the unnecessary doubt and resistance.  

Florence Wadley in green dress

Let’s talk! Book your FREE discovery call today.

As your career and life coach I help you think through and strategize a winning plan for any situation you may face, whether it’s professional or personal. I’ll show you how to transform your mindset so that you can passionately and confidently pursue and achieve your goals. Once you decide to work with me, I’ll be with you every step of the way.

As seen on Fox 5 News San Diego Morning Show. Aired 1/8/25.

Your first step to transformative coaching: a Discovery Call!

Consider a Career and Life Coach, If:

Smiling man with curly hair in a black turtleneck, against a blue background.

You feel stuck or dissatisfied with your current situation and need guidance and support to make positive changes.

Portrait of smiling woman in white dress on teal background.

You want to balance your work and personal life and manage your stress and emotions better.

Woman with curly brown hair smiling, wearing a brown sweater, against a coral background.

You want to have a mentor, accountability partner, or cheerleader who will motivate you, challenge you, and celebrate your successes.

Smiling woman with short brown hair in a grey sweater, blue background.

You want to discover your purpose, passion, or values and align your actions with them.

Three smiling people connected by lines in yellow circles

You are going through a major life transition, such as a career change, a relocation, or a divorce, and need guidance and support to navigate the challenges and opportunities.

Portrait of a smiling woman with curly hair and a pink circular border.
Smiling person with hands on chest in blue circle
“As your career and life coach, I will work with you to achieve positive results in your personal and professional life. Together, we will explore your goals, strengths, and challenges, and create a plan that suits your needs and preferences. I will support you, motivate you, and hold you accountable along the way. My coaching style is exciting and down to earth, and I believe in the power of humor, honesty, and empathy. Let’s start your journey today!”
— Florence Wadley

Benefits of Career & Life Coaching

  • Smiling woman with curly hair wearing a gray top, isolated on white background.

    Decreased stress

    A study reported by the Journal of Medical Internet Research reveals that coaching reduces the effects of extreme and lingering stress, poor stress resistance, and general life dissatisfaction.

  • Person in a white t-shirt smiling

    Increased focus and motivation

    A global survey by PriceWaterhouseCoopers and the Association Resource Center report an average ROI of seven times the cost of employing a coach.

  • Smiling woman with curly hair and nose ring, wearing a brown shirt

    Increased self-awareness and responsibility

    The 2023 Defining New Coaching Cultures report shows strong agreement that coaching leads to enhanced leadership development.

  • Smiling woman with wavy blonde hair wearing a beige sweater.

    Improved work-life balance

    Workers who maintain a healthy work-life balance are 21% more productive.

  • Smiling man in gray sweater on white background

    Better goal setting and time management

    There is a strong correlation between coaching and increased employee engagement, with 72% of respondents in the 2023 ICF HCI Defining New Coaching Cultures report acknowledging this relationship.

  • Smiling person in a striped shirt against a white background

    Mentorship and personal growth

    Employees who receive mentoring are promoted five times more often than those who don’t have mentors. (Source)

Person smiling with curly hair and nose piercing

Still not sure if life and career coaching is for you?

Get in touch.